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The Broadcast Monitoring Blog

Broadcast Media Monitoring Case Study: Fortune 500 Specialty Retailer

TVEyes Case Study - Fortune 500 Specialty Retailer

When you manage media relations for a national retailer, every day presents opportunities and challenges.  The brand is always on the line; consumers and regulators expect perfection.  Local, regional and national media can have a positive or negative impact, and oftentimes coverage comes without warning.

The public relations specialist of a national specialty retailer tells of dissatisfaction with previous solutions and relief to find a more reliable media monitor during a free trial of TVEyes.  This case study is cloaked (anonymous) due to the company's policy on endorsement, but faithfully represents the subject's remarks during an interview (he is available as a pre-purchase reference).

Want to learn about media monitoring and its positive impact for Fortune 500 specialty retailer?  Get your copy below.

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TVEyes makes it easy to search TV, report on results and prove the value of your efforts.With instant access to every domestic media market – local, regional, national – as well as unmatched global reach, TVEyes helps you pinpoint exactly the right clip instantly.  

TVEyes lets you:

  • Monitor and research coverage.
  • Develop strategy.
  • Report successes.
  • Contain a crisis. 
  • Media train executives. 

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